Did you know on average you have over 70,000 random thoughts per day?! Over 80 percent of these thoughts (roughly 56,000) are perceived to be negative or limiting thoughts with 95 percent of them to be repetitive thoughts! So on average you may have over 53,000 fleeing negative thoughts throughout the day that come & go as they please, & affect your mood in a negative way. Now how is that for self-reflection?
Majority of these thoughts happen around topics that give you feelings of anxiety, jealousy, worry, fear, guilt, regret, & any other unpleasant feelings. Metaphorically speaking, your brain has picked up plenty of unwanted debris and dirt throughout your life just like your body & clothes would without a routine wash.
At Brainwashed Creations, the topics of conversations are raw,real,& at times the boundaries of your comfort zone will be stretched. Awareness of the debris & clutter that has been settling on your subconscious & conscious mind is a massive leap towards your version of success!
Breaking through your comfort zone is an inevitable outcome as you practice & master the power of consciousness, mindset, self-communication, manifestation, gratitude, self love, forgiveness, love for others, & your overall physiology. Your break-through is the beginning of an amazing journey to abundance, happiness, & continuous mental & spiritual growth.
Your mind & your physical state create your emotions & experiences, so why not choose to feel good & be joyful by focusing on the right thoughts? Choose the mindset, the thoughts & your feelings!
Join me in this journey of self discovery & growth to tap into your ever flowing power & source energy within. Cleanse your mind to attract amazing solutions to your problems, extraordinary outcomes, & experience daily peace & joy. Remember that happiness is your birthright and is easily within your grasp!